For those who enjoy gardening and flowers, renting an MA bus to the Polly Hill Arboretum would sound like an exciting trip. The Polly Hill Arboretum is located at 809 State Rd., West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, and for visitors who are afraid that they may get lost trying to find the place, they don’t have to worry about anything at all when they engage the professional service of a bus company.
The Polly Hill Arboretum is a seventy acre public garden that used to be Polly Hill’s private property and it is now a Martha’s Vineyard horticultural and botanical landmark too. Her interest in collecting seeds and plants from all over the world throughout her lifetime has caused her property to be what it is today. As she collects the seeds and plants, she also nurtures them on her farm. At this arboretum, you will be able to enjoy many different types of unique plants and discover how they are successfully grown. Even if you are not there to learn more about plants and gardening, it is also a great place for some quiet contemplation time – away from the busy city and away from the busy life. In fact, we find this place rather serene and peaceful, a wonderful place to come and have what some may call, “cave time” or “me time”.
Whatever the reason, whenever the season, a visit to the Polly Hill Arboretum always does good for the soul. Imagine, walking around a huge property that is covered with beautiful, exotic and unique plants. Not only is the view very soothing for the eyes, it also gives you a very peaceful feeling too. To make the trip even more interesting, it would be an excellent idea to arrange to go there in an MA rental bus. You avoid the hassle of trying to locate the place and that gives you a break from having to drive too. Around the arboretum, you will notice that there are stone walls that are almost covered with plants and shrubs. Some of the favorites among visitors to the arboretum are the Julian Hill magnolia, monkey puzzle tree and the kousa dogwood allee. Many trees and plants at the Polly Hill Arboretum are labeled, enabling visitors to be able to learn and recognize the trees and plants. The grounds of the arboretum are open to visitors from sunrise to sunset, but the Visitor Center is only open from 9.30am until 4pm from Memorial Day to Columbus Day and tours would usually start at 10am. While there are no admission fee required, they do suggest a $5 donation.